pp108 : Composing Dashboards

Composing Dashboards

This topic describes the concept of Dashboard Designer (XForms).

A Dashboard equips you with actionable business information in a format that is intuitive and insightful. A dashboard leverages operational data primarily in the form of metrics and KPIs.

BAM Dashboard allows you to analyze the process performance information while monitoring it through the pre-configured Standard Views. Custom views help in monitoring the content of the process and Enterprise Data Object (EDO), which you have defined through Business Measures and KPIs.

The Process Platform BAM provides the following two types of Views:

Note: To see the Process Platform BAM views, the Client machine accessing the browser must have Adobe Flash Player 8.0 (or above).
You can create Custom dashboards using the Dashboard Designer (XForms) with the help of the already available Business Measures, and KPIs. Custom Dashboards help you with visualization of the process performance.

Note: You can visualize the non-process data through Dashboard Designer, by creating a Business Measure on the Enterprise Data Object.
The Business Measure, KPI, Process Monitoring Object Instances, and so on created are available as a composite controls and you can use these composite controls to create a Dashboard. To make such dashboard, drag the composite control to XForms designer. Specify properties (on right-click or double-click the composite control) to it like view type, time-frame, ranges, and so on and then view it in the dashboard.
For further details on creating a User Interface (XForm) refer Creating XForms. You can save and assign the created XForms (using composite controls) to a user/role to view it as a dashboard. For further details on assigning the XForm to a user refer Assigning Tasks to Users.

Note:For the dashboards to render properly, transitional mode has to be turned off. It is available as a property for the xForms. The high level tasks that you can perform using Process Platform Dashboard Designer (XForms) are:

  1. Creating Dashboards
  2. Viewing Dashboards using Standard Views

Related concepts

Modeling Process Monitoring Objects
Defining Business Event Responses
Building Business Measures
Standard Views

Related tasks

Creating a Service Group for BAM
Assigning Time-frame for Dashboard
Viewing Dashboards Using Standard Views

Related reference

Process Monitoring Object Instances

Related information

Working with Business Activity Monitoring